
Biodigester Experience

about us

Hallmark Builders | The Biodigesters, biogas & Waste Water Experts in Nairobi

Founded over in 2015 as bacteria/enzyme supplier, Hallmark Builders has grown to be the ultimate science and engineering company based in Nairobi providing specialist solutions for the treatment of effluent and waste.

We bring together a team of well trained specialists to provide you with the most reliable services in the following areas:

Wastewater management

Concrete water storage tanks

Plumbing services

Supply of Bio-digester Bacteria and Enzymes

Waterproofing tanks and buildings

Supply of biogas system appliances

General contractors

1869 +

Clients Served

2478 +

Projects Handled

26 +

Accolades & Awards

The Firm

Hallmark Builders Mission, Vision and Motto Statements

Our Vision

The ultimate provider of reliable, cost-efficient, quality, innovative and environmentally friendly waste water management solutions

Mission Statement

To provide waste water management and biogas generation solutions that are most reliable and cost efficient

Our Motto

The masters of craft and science of handling waste and waste water, most efficiently


The Most Favorite Words We are Hearing From Beloveable clients